Good morning Grade Fives!
I am interested in hearing how technology helps you learn. You may choose to include an example if that helps you explain your thoughts.
I look forward to reading your responses.
Mrs. French
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Just checking to see that it is working. (Mrs. French)
Hi Mrs.French, I think that Technology helps me by showing me how to do something and it helps me learn.{Bridgette}
Hi Mrs.French,
Technology helps me learn because of the things you can learn about math, language arts and other subjects. The Wiki also helps me learn because of the different links there are that help with any subject that is needed. this is why Technology helps me learn and do better in most subjects.
Hi mrs.french technology helps me a lot like math,spelling,typing and many other things(jasmine) feb 19,2008
I think technology helps me learn how to do good on my math e.g. multiflyer,math millionnair and math baseball.These all help my math skills and espialy multiplacation.
Hello Mrs.French\
Technology helps me learn.It helps me alot becauseI don't have to goe find my own links. It is helpful in lots of sujects. Technology helps me learn.
Hello mrs.French!!
technology helps me learn all kinds of things for my noledge.
I like the wiki and the blog because it helps me learn to type and math. I think that it helps me with lots of stuff.
It is great to help me learn things that i can't find in a book or if you are in a hurry.I like it a lot:)[][][][][][][][][][][][][]][][
I think technology helps me learn because without technology I couldn't type or get really good information. I also wouldn't do as good in math or social studies because i wouldn't get as good of information. THis is how technology helps me learn.
technology helps me learn so many things including Math, French, Typing, Handwirting and for emial and games and other stuff.Technology helps me
to[any one who cares]
hello Mrs.French
I believe that technology helps me learn in many ways! One way it helps me learn is the many ways you can use it for,like the smart board, it may not teach you stuff by itself, but when you use the smart board it helps you get to things that can help with your learning. The are many great things you can learn from technology, and just think what the world would be like without it.
That is how i think technology helps me learn!
good-bye, and have a wonderful day!
I think that technology is a good thing to learn. Technology I like it when you show picturs on the smort bard. technology helps me to learn and it explanes what I will be doing.this is a good way
to learn.
~ Kelton~
19 February 2008
I love technolegy because it si fun, fast, and it's verry helpfull. It is good when you are in a hurry to finish an asinment. I love the class Wiki.
Hi Mrs.French
I like Technology because. It shows me how to type and learn math skills like times tabels.(Tawny)
multiflyerhelps me in my basic facts because I am not good at my bacic facts
multiflyer helps me in my bacic facts braedon
Hi Mrs French technolgy helps like the spell it and multi flyer it shows me links i've never seen before.{Kayden}
I think Technology help you learn
subjects in whole differnt idea
for example Math(Dayman)
20 February, 2008
technolgey helps me alot for hand eye cordination and my scince progects at home(chris)
Technology helps me learn things that I otherwise wouldn't be able to learn in other ways ( some math facts mabe?).
Technology helps me by building my math skills and typing skills!
Hi mrs.French I am glad that the blog is working. Technology helps me learn in many different ways.It helps me learn in math,L.A,soical studies and much more. Thats how technology helps me learn.(melanie)
Hi mrs.french Technology help me learn adout different websites Locklyn
Hi Mrs.French, I think Technology helps me because i can go on a math site and learn new things. [Nick]
I think this blog is awsome mrs.French this helps me alot I like this info (Brook)
(to anyone who likes lollypops)
I think that tecnolagy will help kids to learn Math, Solcal Studies, and more. But some kids would like to have some fun time, so I think we should have some fun time games. I think it's a great idea, don't you?
The one before, I forgot to put my name up[Colter]
I love this blog because it helps me with times tables,multipication and division YAY 4 THIS BLOG!!!
(Brook) (:O_O:)
Hello Mrs. French,
technology helps me learn alot; but my mom says "I can't go on the computer if I don't do my homework and piano." And I allways finish my piano and homework at bedtime. so I don't get to learn on the computer; good thing I can learn here.[Colter]
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