Sunday, February 24, 2008

If only just one!

Good morning Grade Fives,

Imagine that we decide to use technology for just one purpose in our classroom (e.g. learning to type, visualizations during math lessons, research etc). I would like you to respond telling me which ‘purpose’ you would want us to keep and explain why. Think about which ‘purpose’ is most helpful to your learning.

Mrs. French


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.French
typing helps me so i can type storys,pourpoints and at home when i type emails to my friends. Math fact practic helps me with tyms tables and devishon(Tawny)

Anonymous said...

typing helps me alot for writing on the computer and so does math on the computer so I do not use paper to print it and there is lots of typing/math on the computer from (chris)

Anonymous said...

I would ceep math because its one of the way I learnd how to do word problems.(Dayman)25,February 2008

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs French

If we decide to use technology for just one purpose I have to math because I like math!


Anonymous said...

Houdy Mrs.French
I think the computer is the best thing because it helps us with finding words that we do not know like 'luxuary' this is why I think the computer is the best(Becket)

Anonymous said...

I think that typing would be the most inportent for everybody because we can learn everything else by your teaching so thats what I think would be the best subject for technology.(melanie)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.French. Math facts help me with my times tabels and decimals. Tiping so i can write storys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi mrs. French I'd keep typing because it is a valuble resorce I use the computer at home and at my grandmothers house.

Anonymous said...

Mine would have to be math because we do math most of the day and becuase math is one of the basic subject that every student needs to learn.{Bridgette}

Anonymous said...

Our class website helps me because I can do skills that I am not good at. I laso like the atrt because it is making me a better typer and faster.(meghan)

Anonymous said...

If we only got to use technolgy for only one subjest i would pick math because they have the funnest games (jim) (0_0)

(i like cheese)

Anonymous said...

If we had to use tecnolegey for one thing it would be maltiplacation because im good at it!!!!!11!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!


[for eneyone who can read!](o..o)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. French
I think that it is the best for visualizing math concepts because it is more important than typing and is mutch more fun. even know typing these days is just as important to get a job .

Anonymous said...

Mrs French I think that we are useing technology. It is helpeing me with math and all subject I like useing technolgy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ik655fgffg wwe

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs.French
I like tecnalongy for lose of things. one of my faveret is typing!I triy to go on it all the time!(jasmine)

Anonymous said...

Good after noon Mrs.French!
If we could only use technology for one thing, I think I would choose typing, because you can do most of the other subjects not using technology, like math, there are text books and math note books you can use, but for typing, you can only practice on the computer.
That is the subject I would keep if we only could use technology for one subject.
Have a nice evening.

Anonymous said...

I like it (for anyone that can say "I like it!"

Anonymous said...


I think that visualing during the math time helps me the most because I like the help.


25 February.2008 :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.French

If we decided to use technology for only one purpose I would chose to keep math because it helps my study for quizzes and other stuff for math


Anonymous said...

Typing helps me on my typing scils. it helps me be faster at typing.(Kelton) 25 February, 2008

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.French,
One purpose that you sould keep teaching division is because many people still have troubles with this math consept(hint,hint me). I also think that you should keep teaching consepts around any math because people are out of the class at certain math periods because they need help with some things in the math area if you kept teaching basic math consepts mybe they could join the class when those people are actualy have to be with Mrs.Arnold or Mrs.Bizanz. Also you should just stick to your normal plans for your teaching because you know what your doing and you don't have to listen to some of my crazy ideas.


Anonymous said...

Hellow Mrs.French

I think we shoold do sum power points with partners for reserch on poloution,extionon anamals it woold increase my lerning and be fun. Love: Britley

Anonymous said...

I like to learn math on the computer like learn alberta math

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.French
I would like technology to
teach me math.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.French and class,

I think that typing would be the most helpful resource using technology. I find it very useful at school and home... I go on msn ALOT and quite a few other sites that involve typing. Durring class hours we use computers quite a bit.That is why i think typing would be the best.

Sierra xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.French

My favorite way to study for a test,is to goe on the class website where I can goe to a testing site. On this site I can prepare my own quize doe it, and then make an answer sheet to check it.

Anonymous said...

hi mrsfrench youer websites help me whith lots of things. locklyn

Anonymous said...

I would keep math because it helps me learn new things!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hi mrs french
this is haley i think the way i could lern by useing tecnoldy is to use the smart board :LOVE HALEY