Monday, May 26, 2008

Science: a time for reflecting

Hello Grade Fives,

Today I would like you to reflect on your own learning during our science mini-experiment unit as well as making suggestions about how I could change parts to make it a more useful learning activity in the future.

As usual, I look forward to reading your responses.

Love Mrs. French

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Last Story, a Choice

Hello Grade Fives!

I learned many wonderful things at my Pro D on Friday and as a result I am giving you a couple of new choices for your 2nd (and last story), yes last! In June we will be doing something totally different for reading and writing :)

2nd story choices: (the template pages are still required for all three choices)

1) same format as your first story
2) a ppt storybook for a primary grade level
3) a collaborative story, with a friend, using a private wiki page (I will provide you with one)
4) your own creative idea

Also, please sign your comment using your first name. I have dealt with the privacy issue by removing all old posts and saving them as a word document for my own reference :)

I can hardly wait to see which format you have choices for your last story!

Love Mrs. French

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Good morning or afternoon Grade Fives!

We have just completed a week focusing on fractions. I would like to know how you felt about that approach. Did you find the three days in a row helped your learning? Did you find that the 'peel off' system helped your learning? If you helped other students, did you find that your 'teaching' helped your learning?

You may not see it, but your responses assist me in determining how to help you learn more effectively and efficiently.

Love Mrs. French